Nurse Leadership Builders offers a wealth of dedicated mental health professionals with experience and training in various therapeutic traditions. Because of the abudant assortment of therapists at Nurse Leadership Builders's disposal, patients receive a more holistic approach to treatment than they might with other clinics. It is not uncommon for those suffering from mental illness to have a complex set of mental, biochemical, physical and perspective-based issues which compound one another. Our clinic offers interactive healing and can create a treatment program that is tailored specifically for each client. The following is a brief overview of many mental wellness therapies offered by Nurse Leadership Builders.
Bala Cynwyd Gestalt Therapy
Like traditional "talk" therapy, gestalt techniques use discussion as a method of achieving psychological insights and emotional well-being. What makes Bala Cynwyd Gestalt Therapy unique is that it incorporates mindful practice and creative action into the healing process as well. Bala Cynwyd Gestalt Therapy techniques may include role-play, controlled movement, and creative visualization. Those seeking to break free of old patterns, assume control of their lives, and develop their core selves can benefit greatly from Gestalt techniques.
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(Intensive Short Term Dynamic Therapy)
Bala Cynwyd INTENSIVE SHORT TERM DYNAMIC THERAPY is a synthesis of various therapeutic techniques which are geared towards achieving mental health goals as quickly as possible. This therapy is especially useful for those who have been unable to reach their goals with traditional psychoanalysis. An Bala Cynwyd ISTDP therapist will challenge the patient to abandon self-defeating defense mechanisms. The next step is for the patient to acknowledge underlying emotions to both the therapist and themselves.The rewards of this therapy are dramatic and sustained healing in a relatively short period of time. Our clinic's intake specialists can help you determine whether this therapy is right for you.
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Groups usually consist of six to ten members who have been carefully selected by the therapist who will facilitate the sessions. Just as therapists are committed to confidentiality, group members must also be willing to maintain the privacy of what is shared in the group sessions. The natural empathy and altruism brought to the sessions by participants is what spurs the healing process, and the empowering nature of Bala Cynwyd Group Psychotherapy allows patients to take a more active role in their therapeutic process. War veterans, sexual abuse survivors, and those who have experienced similar trauma may all benefit from the Bala Cynwyd Group Psychotherapy offered at Nurse Leadership Builders.
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Bala Cynwyd CBT explores thoughts and actions that keep patients trapped in self-defeating patterns. The Bala Cynwyd Cognitive Behaviovral Therapy at Nurse Leadership Builders consists of a fixed number of sessions which normally range from eight to twenty; occasionally, a patient may require a lesser or greater number of sessions to receive the maximum benefits of this therapy. This is an action-oriented treatment, and patients are usually given assignments to complete between sessions. Over the course of the therapy, the patient learns to recognize and replace self-defeating thoughts and actions with more realistic and positive ones. This therapy is frequently used to treat anxiety disorders, certain mood disorders, and insomnia.
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Bala Cynwyd Behavior Therapy is a structured form of therapy that works to create objective and measurable changes in the patient's daily life. The therapy works by employing a system of reward for positive action, and much of the Bala Cynwyd Behavior Therapy's healing work is done directly by the patient outside of the therapy sessions. The goal of this therapy is to clear the environmental roadblocks that can prevent one from nurturing the life the heart's deepest desires. The old refrain of, "some day, I will" is replaced by "today, I am". In addition to helping many patients create a more satisfying life, this therapy is remarkably effective for those with developmental disorders who are not able to participate in therapies requiring a greater level of self-awareness.
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Bala Cynwyd Body Oriented Psychotherapy, also referred to as Somatic Therapy, regards mental illness as an imbalance that manifests itself on the physical, as well as emotional, level. Because it takes a physical form, mental illness can also be remedied through the body. Bala CynwydBody Oriented Psychotherapy uses a combined approach of verbal communication and structured physical activities to inspire emotional healing. When a patient experiences depression or anxiety, these emotions can manifest in the form of body tension, teeth grinding, irregular breathing and unhealthy posture. Nurse Leadership Builders's specialized therapists use breathing, posture, mindfulness, and other physical exercises to help a patient become aware andcapable of healing their emotional state. Bala Cynwyd Body Oriented Psychotherapy is effective precisely because it uses multiple entry points into understanding the human psyche and moving toward total integration.
Read MoreBala Cynwyd Expressive Therapy
Bala CynwydExpressive therapy is one of the many forms of embodied, holistic therapy offered at Nurse Leadership Builders. Art, drama, dance, music and creative writing are all tools of integration and wellbeing used by Nurse Leadership Builders's trained expressive therapists. The goal of this therapy is not to create museum-quality art, and those who undertake this therapy need not worry if they have not experimented with artistic mediums before. Healing is accomplished not as a result of the art, but rather as a benefit of the artistic process. The efficacy of Bala CynwydExpressive Therapy lies in bypassing the intellect to reach a deeper form of self-awareness. This therapy is particularly useful with children and those suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
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Bala CynwydInterpersonal Therapy focuses on the current relationships a patient has with family members, colleagues, and other persons in the patient's circle. There are both short and long term forms of this therapy. In the short-term, the therapist and patient meet on a weekly basis for several months. Bala CynwydIPT-M, the longer maintenance form of this therapy, involves monthly sessions over a period of two to three years. This therapy can work wonders by uncovering the interpersonal sources of emotional discontent which often initiate or exacerbate depressive episodes. Once an area of stress has been discovered, the therapist and patient then move toward identifying and expressing the underlying emotions surrounding the stressor.
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Individual therapies can offer highly effective treatment for certain specific illnesses. However, there is often a combination of mental illness and other factors, both mind and body centric, that affect an individual seeking treatment. Bala CynwydIntegrative Psychotherapy is used most often when a patient has several illnesses that are of pressing concern. This therapy uses an approach which combines various techniques from multiple therapeutic sources. Traditional "talk" therapy can be combined with Body Oriented Therapy, Hypnotherapy, nutritional work, meditation and relaxation techniques, and physical exercise. Nurse Leadership Builders is committed to offering our clients the most effective treatment available, and integrative techniques create a program suited to holistic treatment for each individual patient.
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One of the strikingly effective therapies offered by Nurse Leadership Builders is Bala Cynwyd Hypnotherapy. It is important to note that although hypnosis and Bala Cynwyd Hypnotherapy are similar pratices, they are not identical. This powerful therapy, often used in conjunction with other therapies for maximum benefit, uses classical hypnosis techniques administered by a specially trained mental health professional in order to achieve therapeutic benefit to the patient. In addition to treating mental disorders such as Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymia, and Substance Abuse Disorders, this therapy can also be used to help ease the chronic pain of those who suffer from physical ailments such as arthritis and fibromyalgia. Contrary to popular understanding, hypnosis will not cause a person to act against their own will. Rather, it can be used to assist in revealing the patient's true wishes and remove obstacles blocking the road to personal fulfillment.
If you have been referred to Nurse Leadership Builders by another health professional, or if you feel that either yourself or a loved one may benefit from one of the many therapeutic practices offered by Nurse Leadership Builders, please contact us today for a free, no-obligation and confidential assessment session with one of our intake specialists. Our specialists will then determine the most effective course of action for you to take.
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